Shipping Options |
Type of Delivery Standard: Priority: |
Destination | Standard | Priority |
Continental U.S. | 2-3 business days | FedEx |
Alaska & Hawaii | USPS Priority | Not Available |
P.O.Boxes, Rural Routes, and APO/FPO | USPS Priority | Not Available |
What will it Cost? It is possible in order to ship to more than one address. Please note the
additional cost below.
For orders going to one shipping address: |
Order | Standard | Overnight |
$0 - $50.00 | $6 | add $10 |
$50.01 - $100 | $8 | add $10 |
$100.01 - $175 | $10 | add $10 |
$175.01 and over | $12 | add $10 |
For orders going to more than one shipping address: |
First Shipping Address | For each additional Shipping Address | |
Standard | Standard fee based on merchandise total for entire order |
$5 handling fee |
Priority | Standard fee plus $10 | $5 handling fee plus $10 |
When will it be Delivered? Delivery times mentioned above are estimated times your orders will arrive. However, when trying to estimate when a package will be delivered, you should consider the following: